Exercise fads come and go, but no other workout routine is as persistent as yoga. Heck, it’s been around for more than 5,000 years!
For those of you new to the game, don’t worry, we’ll break it down for you..
Yoga is a total mind-body workout that mixes strengthening and stretching poses with deep breathing, leaving you feeling stronger, looser, clearer, relaxed, and maybe even at peace.
Though we wouldn’t say yoga is the best way to lose weight (nor fast or overall), moving through traditional yoga poses still burns plenty of calories while toning muscles.
There are hundreds of yoga styles to mix into your everyday fitness routine. Some are fast-paced and intense. Others are gentle and relaxing.
So we broke it down a bit so you can choose what style works best for you and your fitness routine:
This style is the most common yoga style, as it combines a series of basic movements and poses with breath.
A series of poses that flow smoothly into one another, almost like a dance. Try wearing our Hot Capri Pants when you head to a vinyasa-style class, as they tend to provide great versatility.
A fast higher-intensity practice that builds muscle. Sometimes these classes are heated for that extra sweat factor or post-workout feel. Since this class tends to focus on muscle building, we recommend incorporating our Hot Arms Sleeves during your classes to score that toned-arm look.
Also known as "hot yoga," Bikram is a series of 26 challenging poses performed in a room heated about 95 degrees. Prepare to sweat like you never have before!
A type of yoga that uses props like blocks, straps, and chairs to help you move your body into the proper alignment. Great for beginners or people with injuries!
Whatever yoga class you’re trying out, don’t forget to bring along your Hot Shapers gear for maximum results! As always, happy sweating.