Easy 30-minute workout to burn bra bulge

This easy workout routine helps you get rid of bra bulge with no extra equipment! It adapts to your fitness level and makes you SWEAT with the Cami Hot and Instant Trainer!

Easy 30-minute workout to burn bra bulge

If you're feeling insecure about those annoying bulges that pop out of the sides of your bra and show through your strappy blouses and tank tops, you're not alone, girl!

Bra bulges are something even the fittest women concern about. They can undermine our confidence and stop us from feeling strong, beautiful and empowered. Let's end all that today.

Beat the bra bulge with Hot Shapers

Tightening the specific areas around those bulges can be a challenge, but with this easy workout routine and your Cami Hot with Waist Trainer you can get rid of that bra fat easily!

To melt away that bra fat, we've put together a small routine that you can adapt to your fitness level and that you can perfectly perform without any equipment other than your Cami Hot and Waist Trainer to help you keep your posture correct and your core isolated.

Hot Shapers CHW +IT

Warm up

This first step is very important to avoid injuries and to get the most out of our workout. Start with 10 minutes of light cardio to get your body temperature rising and your heart rate on point. Light jogging, dancing, jumping rope or biking, work wonders to get your body heated for the workout and start sweating with your Hot Shapers.

Bra bulge workout routine

Now that you've already warmed up your muscles, choose your workout intensity according to your fitness level and start training to get rid of that bra bulge!


  • Low: 2 sets of 4 reps
  • Medium: 3 sets of 8 reps
  • High: 4 sets of 12 reps

CHW +IT Workout

Include these exercises to your usual weekly workout routine and hit the next level once you're comfortable enough. Sweat those bulges, girl!