Hot Shapers Hot Arms is a new and easy way to shape your triceps and biceps during your workout routine.
When Hot Arms make contact with your skin, it helps you sweat 3-5 times more and increases calorie burn helping you maximize your workout in a comfortable and easy way.
Enjoy using Hot Shapers Hot Arms in daily activities such as:

At the gym!
Sweating and burning calories is key to having a sexy and toned body. More of our users told us, that they optimize their arm workout using Hot Arms while jogging or cycling while its instantly adjustable straps guarantee it always stay in place.
At your home or office, sit steady and fit!
Sitting at your desk all day with your Hot Arms can be an opportunity to tone those arms. An easy exercise for your arms is using your laptop: pick it up and raise it up to the sides, up and down.
During house work!
Home activities are hard to do so why not burn more calories while you do them? Use Hot Shapers Hot Arms while cleaning the house, gardening, cooking or playing with your kids. All while burning up to four times as many calories as you normally would.
Ready for sexy arms? Start now with Hot Arms.